CPR has developed an innovative approach to settling bodily injury claims that is built on the foundation of honesty and integrity with the end goal of indemnifying claimants in the most efficient manner providing an immediate and equitable resolution for both claimant and client.

When a claim is reported to our organization, we understand that urgency is of the utmost importance. Our knowledgeable and professional field adjusters will immediately open lines of communication with all interested parties. Our field adjusters are credentialed in assessing property damage as well as highly trained in establishing close rapport with injured parties. Our goal is to extinguish all property damage and bodily injury exposures (as authorized by our client) in the field. Our clients see improved closure rates, a reduction in loss adjustment expense and ultimate loss settlements.
We have over an 88% successful settlement rate! Reduce expenses and improve your customer satisfaction!
For more information about our Casualty Services call (855) 215-6439 or email [email protected].